Everything a homeowner needs to know about remodeling their bathroom or kitchen in Utah
Whitewater has been helping homeowners with their kitchen and bathroom remodeling projects for 40 years.
Remodeling a home — for any reason — is an exciting time that’s full of potential. You want to take something that’s old, worn, and time-tested and turn it into a blank slate of new possibilities. Partnering with the right contractors, designers, architects, and craftsmen are a sure step in the right direction, but how do you know what to look for as you’re getting started?
The Whitewater team has years of experience with bathroom remodels and kitchen remodels in Utah, and we want to help share our expertise and answer the questions you need answers to. Instead of dodging the questions, we’re going full-bore to help you understand everything you need to for your next remodel project.
Read on to learn more about remodeling your home, and how the right team can make it simple! Whitewater has been helping homeowners with their kitchen and bathroom remodeling projects for 40 years.
Remodeling a home — for any reason — is an exciting time that’s full of potential. You want to take something that’s old, worn, and time-tested and turn it into a blank slate of new possibilities. Partnering with the right contractors, designers, architects, and craftsmen are a sure step in the right direction, but how do you know what to look for as you’re getting started?
The Whitewater team has years of experience with bathroom remodels and kitchen remodels in Utah, and we want to help share our expertise and answer the questions you need answers to. Instead of dodging the questions, we’re going full-bore to help you understand everything you need to for your next remodel project.
Read on to learn more about remodeling your home, and how the right team can make it simple!
What are good reasons to remodel your home?
The first question many of our clients ask us is what qualifies as a “good” reason to remodel. The answer is: “whatever reason you want is good enough!” At the end of the day, you’re trying to craft a home that’s perfect for you, your family, and all the get-togethers with friends you’ve been daydreaming of. That’s as good a reason as any to remodel your home.
But beyond that, there are plenty of things to look out for that may signal a need to remodel (as opposed to a want). Here are a few reasons why you might need to consider a kitchen or bathroom remodel in Utah:
Unpleasant smells — Older materials that have rot or damage may start to smell. The same applies for areas of a home that have suffered from bug infestations.
Mold or mildew — These health hazards are frequently the cause of remodels, and for good reason. Depending on your situation, you may be able to craft a small remodel that removed the mold, but you may also consider larger renovations that help minimize the risk of future growth.
Issues with pipes and plumbing — Time and use can leave calcium and mineral buildup in old pipes, which slows things down. Worse yet, you may have experienced a backed-up drain and subsequent flooding. Renovating allows you to go in, replace old pipes, and start fresh.
Utility bills are high — Older appliances and pipes can cause waste when it comes to electricity, water, and other utilities in your home. Renovations can help lower the bill when you include new appliances and update features of your home.
Damage due to water or flooding — A broken pipe, unexpected rainfall, or large amounts of snow runoff can sometimes force water into places it shouldn’t be — including your home. When the damage is bad, renovations may be your best option.
Design is outdated — Shag carpets, Linoleum floors, and other dated design choices can quickly kill the vibe in a home. Updating and renovating dating areas of your home can help bring new life.
Cramped, tight, or poorly utilized spaces — Older and single-family homes were often built to keep square footage at a minimum, meaning space is limited. Modern design and building techniques make it possible to open up old homes though, adding light and life to previously tight spaces.
Poor functionality — Have a door that hits cabinets? Or a sink that doesn’t flow the way it should? These are just a few changes you can make with an upgrade that help the functionality and flow of your home.
Desire to upgrade — As mentioned previously, sometimes you just need to refresh your home, or bring one room up to speed with the rest of your home. Small changes can make a huge difference!
These are just a few reasons to remodel, but our hope is to reaffirm your desire for a new space in your home — no matter what reason!
What are the benefits of remodeling your home in Utah?
Aside from a fresh new space for your family and friends, there are a few benefits of remodelling that are work homeowners considering:
#1: Added Home Value
Newer fixtures, appliances, and longer-lasting materials in kitchen, bathroom, or any other remodel can help increase the value of an old home for many years, and even prevent further degradation in other areas of the home.
#2: Easier to Maintain and Clean
Many materials used in remodels are much better than the building products used in the past, which means they last longer, stay clean and new longer, and can even provide antibacterial or benefits. Plus, since many new materials prevent chipping, scratching, denting, or other signs of wear, your home stays cleaner longer.
#3: Better Energy Efficiency
Many of us want greener, more eco-friendly homes, and upgrading with better products can help you spend less on energy and have less of a footprint in the environment. Good examples include water-saving fixtures, LED lighting, and efficient windows.
#4: Improvements to Health
Remodels provide the opportunity to think beyond simple functionality — towards luxury. Upgraded areas of your home can help you relax, enjoy your space, and feel less stress throughout your day-to-day. Plus, as previously mentioned, newer building materials are much better at preventing bacteria growth, mold, and mildew. Your health will thank you.
A Quick Guide to Bathroom Remodels in Utah
Now that you know more about good reasons to remodel — and the benefits it can bring to your life, let’s take a quick look at how you can get started with something like a bathroom remodel with Whitewater.
How much does a bathroom remodel cost in Utah?
Depending on where you live, the materials you’d like to include in your renovation, and any other considerations that a contractor will be able to help you uncover, your mileage may vary when it comes to pricing a bathroom remodel.
That said, there are averages you can use to help plan your budget for a bathroom remodel. The average cost for a bathroom remodel in Utah clocks in at around $7,500, but again your price may vary. Low-end, simple renovations are typically around $5,000, whereas large-scale bathroom remodels in Utah can cost as much as $14,000 or more.
Elements to consider when renovating your bathroom
Here’s a quick look at some of the ways that Whitewater can help you renovate your bathroom with style:
Bathtubs can be many things — the functional centerpiece of a bathroom, or the relaxing side-show that complements the design and flow of the rest of your room. The choice is up to you, and Whitewater can help you decide on the perfect tub for your needs.
This leads us to two distinct options for a bathtub: freestanding or drop-in. Whitewater offers a wide selection for each, and can help you decide which is right for you.
Freestanding bathtubs are design choice all on their own, and typically emphasize a minimalist luxury in modern bathrooms. You can strategically place your tub so that it has the angle and view you want for maximum comfort. Here’s just one of the freestanding bathtubs we offer:
On the other hand, drop-in bathtubs are the more “traditional” bathtubs that you see in homes. These are designed to fit neatly into a corner or small space, and are the quintessential ingredient in most shower/tub combos.
Whichever option you pick, Whitewater can help you design and implement the bathtub of your dreams!
Shower Enclosures
When you’re choosing the design for your bathroom remodel, you’ll need to decide whether you want a shower/tub combo or if you want to keep the two separate. It’s very common these days for bathrooms with freestanding bathtubs to opt for a standalone shower as well, which means you’ll have to consider a shower enclosure — a watertight glass feature that helps blend style with privacy.
Whitewater offers a wide selection of shower enclosures that allow you the flexibility to complete any design. We feature a variety of watertight full Euro, barn style, and semi Euro options that you can choose from for your next bathroom remodel.
Wall Surrounds
When you’re choosing the design for your bathroom remodel, you’ll need to decide whether you want a shower/tub combo or if you want to keep the two separate. It’s very common these days for bathrooms with freestanding bathtubs to opt for a standalone shower as well, which means you’ll have to consider a shower enclosure — a watertight glass feature that helps blend style with privacy.
Whitewater offers a wide selection of shower enclosures that allow you the flexibility to complete any design. We feature a variety of watertight full Euro, barn style, and semi Euro options that you can choose from for your next bathroom remodel.
Vanity Tops
Last but not least, bathroom remodels aren’t complete without a new look on your vanity (or sink counter top). You likely spend more time at the bathroom sink than you do anywhere else, so this design should flow well with the rest of your remodeled bathroom if you want the full feel of luxury.
We offer a wide variety of materials and shades when it’s time to choose the vanity that’s best for your design. Our range of quartz and Tyvarian® options come in a number of colors and shades (a few of which are showcased below!).
And what’s a bathroom vanity without the sink? We also offer a range of sink options that allow you to build the look and feel that works for you. Choose from a selection of under mount and over mount sinks that blend with your vanity top and complete your remodel.
A Quick Guide to Kitchen Remodels
Kitchen remodels are another essential way you can breathe new life into your home — but where do you begin? Learn more below about pricing, materials, and kitchen remodel ideas from Whitewater!
How Much Does a Kitchen Remodel Cost in Utah?
Similar to bathroom remodels, your mileage may vary when planning a budget for a kitchen remodel. It will depend on where you fall on the “good, better, best” spectrum, how much is involved in the renovation, and what materials, fixtures, and appliances you choose when upgrading.
As a general rule, the cost of kitchen remodels in Utah start between $7,500-$8,000 for basic upgrades. For added features and medium-scale renovations, many homeowners plan for a $15,000 price tag, and those planning a luxury kitchen could see as much as $50,000 and up for their project.
Elements to Consider When Renovating Your Kitchen
Without further ado, here are some ways that Whitewater can help you achieve your dream kitchen:
When you think of your kitchen, you likely consider the countertops and everything that happens on them! They’re often used for everything from prepping food, finishing homework, and a catch-all for your daily activities, so finding the right countertop is vital.
Whitewater offers a wide selection of quartz countertops that are durable, beautiful, and flexible enough to go with any cabinet and sink combination. And better yet, we can offer prices well below our competition, which means you get your dream kitchen and a deal!
Your sink is the workhorse of your kitchen, so upgrading it is no small thing. Going from small, functional-but-frustrating sinks to a wide, deep, and flexible option is at the top of many homeowners’ lists, and Whitewater can help find the best one for you. We offer a wide variety of options, including split or single-tub options that fit with any kind of countertop.
Home Remodeling in Utah – FAQs
Now that you know what your bathroom or kitchen could like, we want to help address any lingering questions you may have about the remodeling process. Read on to see our FAQs and find the best bathroom remodelers near you.
How Long Does a Remodel Take?
Every project is different, which makes providing an accurate estimation difficult. The scale, material, and complexity of the work needed can all affect how long a project runs. Any custom detail work can also delay the end date, so keep that in mind when you’re preparing.
As a general rule though, here are some rough timetables to help you plan around your next home renovation:
20-25 working days for bathrooms
50-75 working days for kitchens
Room additions take at least 80 working days
Total home renovations take at least 125 working days
Is a Remodel Really Worth My Time and Money?
The question of worth is ultimately up to the homeowner and what they intend to get out of the home. For instance, a homeowner in Utah who is trying to “flip” a fixer-upper will absolutely want to remodel as much of the home as possible, as long as it helps increase the monetary value of the home for a quick sale. Renovations can add a significant sum to the estimated value, and help increase a buyer’s willingness to bid for the right home.
For a homeowner who simply wants to renovate their space, the question of “worth” is slightly different — less monetarily, and more intrinsically. In this instance, only you can make the decision about worth.
What’s the Most Expensive Part of a Bathroom Remodel?
In most cases, a bathroom remodel in Utah costs the most to redo the tile in a shower. This is due to the fact that you have to remove the old tile, install the new, then treat the area so that it’s watertight and drains properly. Without these steps, you’ll have a less-than-functional shower, so cutting corners isn’t an option.
Do You Need Permits to Remodel a Kitchen or Bathroom in Utah?
One common misconception is that all bathroom or kitchen remodels need a permit — this simply isn’t the case. The only time you’ll need a permit for a renovation is if you plan to make changes to the mechanical, electrical, plumbing, or walls of your home. Since these changes affect your safety and the safety of the structure, you’ll need to ensure that the proper permits are in place.
So if all you want is new flooring or cabinets, you’re free to renovate without a permit. And if you do end up needing a permit, Whitewater will help you secure everything and keep the project running smoothly.
Does Whitewater Kitchen and Bath in Utah Provide a Warranty?
Many of the products use by Whitewater carry their own warranty, which means any defects will be covered by the manufacturer if a defect occurs within a set amount of time. We recommend checking our bathroom and kitchen products closely to learn more about warranties, or simply ask us when we sit down to design your dream bathroom or kitchen.
How Much Lighting Will I Need In My New Bathroom?
Adding or redoing lighting is indeed one of the many advantages of renovations, and we highly encourage homeowners consider how they can use lighting to accent and complete their new design.
As to how much you’ll need, that will depend on where the bathroom is situated, how much natural light it receives, and how many mirrors you intend to include in the new bathroom. All of these will help inform your decision and create the effect you’re going for.
Can I Live In My House While It’s Being Remodeled?
For the vast majority of renovations, you can stay in your home during the remodeling process. Unless you’re dealing with a large-scale, full-home endeavor, then Whitewater is able to keep dust, noise, and other issues to a minimum while we help you achieve your dream home.
That said, we’ll still make a recommendation on a case-by-case basis to help maximize your comfort and satisfaction during the process. Even if you have to stay off-site for a few nights, the end result will be worth it!
Do I Have To Worry About Lead/Asbestos/Other Substances?
Older homes are notorious for the materials and substances used to build them. Many older paints do contain lead, and some homes contain asbestos due to its fire-resistant properties. It is vital that you do not handle these substances on your own. There are certain procedures that will need to be followed during a renovation, and failure to comply poses significant risk to your health.
Whitewater is able to help rid your home of many substances, and otherwise has the connections you’ll need to ensure that your renovation is completed safely. At the end of the day, you’ll have a clean, safe home that minimizes your risk from dangerous substances and lets you enjoy your space.
When Is The Best Time to Remodel in Utah?
The best time is up to you and your timetable. Renovations to your bathroom or kitchen, which are internal renovations, can be completed at any point in the year. That said, many homeowners opt to complete the renovations during warmer months, since snow/ice can slow work, pose hazards, and potentially freeze your pipes.
How Do I Get Started with My Home Remodel Project in Utah?
Getting started with Whitewater is simple! All you have to do is get in touch. We’ll set up a time to meet with you and provide a free quote for your project.
Or if you want to see our bathroom and kitchen products in person and on display you can visit our showroom in Salt Lake City or in Utah County.